CNH3 Open Letter: Housing is Healthcare

Housing is key to returning the country’s economy and entire population to good health. Sign our open letter to Canada’s federal decision-makers, today.

Dear Prime Minister Trudeau and Ministers Hajdu and Hussen:

Having a home is a critical determinant of health – a fact particularly well displayed since the start of COVID-19. That is why we, the undersigned health professionals, join thousands of Canadians and dozens of national organizations calling on your government to make ending homelessness a core element of Canada’s pandemic recovery plan.

As health professionals, we have long seen the harm and ill effects of homelessness as we care for the people who experience it. Bearing a disproportionate burden of physical and mental health difficulties and living in crowded spaces under substandard conditions, people experiencing homelessness face greater risks of contracting COVID and possess less power to combat it. If you are COVID-positive and homeless, you are more vulnerable to becoming seriously ill.

COVID has also compounded the every-day struggles and indignities that people experiencing homelessness endure. It has introduced new risks, unmitigated by the universal public health advice, ‘stay home, socially distance, wash your hands, and seek medical attention if sick.’ This refrain, reinforcing the marginal status that society gives people experiencing homelessness, continued while park washrooms were closed, water fountains were drained, and services and community spaces crucial to the homeless community disappeared.

We acknowledge and applaud the funding your government has flowed so far to support people experiencing homelessness during the pandemic. It has meant more access to some services and has helped mitigate the disproportionate risk that COVID presents to them. But it is not enough. Every year, more than 235,000 people living in Canada are homeless and over 1.7 million people living on low incomes have some housing need. Thousands more are about to face homelessness in the fall when CERB ends and non-emergency housing evictions begin, privileging the economic security of landlords over the stability and safety of renters.

None of this need be. Decades of public policy decisions created Canada’s homelessness crisis. We can, and must, make policy choices today that are better and more just, that will create a post-pandemic Canada that is healthier, safer, and resilient. We urge you to take the path to recovery that yields a robust economy that all people who call Canada home can enjoy, a recovery that will truly and finally shelter everyone in health and dignity. Housing for all must become the new normal.

The Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness has laid out that path with Recovery For All. By embracing it, you can begin now to protect vulnerable Canadians from further COVID-19 risk, you can create the conditions to save lives, and you can set off to end homelessness by 2030.

By acting on Recovery For All: Proposals to Strengthen the National Housing Strategy and End Homelessness, you spur Canada’s pandemic recovery, stimulating the economy by investing in housing, creating nearly 500,000 much-needed construction and social services jobs over the next 10 years, and saving taxpayers over $18 billion.

The policy choices your government makes will determine if Canada creates a recovery for all, or only some. As health professionals, we simply cannot support actions or omissions that deliberately exclude the most vulnerable from meaningful and effective recovery.

Housing is key to returning the country’s economy and entire population to good health. To make the millions who experience homelessness and endure substandard housing part of the recovery, make your pandemic recovery plan hinge on housing. Do that, and better health and dignity for all follows.


Dr. Andrew Bond
Steering Committee Co-Chair
Canadian Network for the Health and Housing of People Experiencing Homelessness (CNH3)

Healthcare worker? Add your support by signing this letter to the Prime Minister.

Sign the letter

Current Signatories

Dr. Ann Collins BSc MD
Canadian Medical Association

Dr. Andrew Bond, MD, CCFP, FCFP
Medical Director
Inner City Health Associates

Dr. Christy Sutherland
Medical Director
PHS Community Services Society

Dr. Sumantra Ghosh
Assistant Clinical Professor
University of Alberta, University of Calgary,  O’Brien Institute of Public Health, Matheson Institute of Calgary, Neuroscience and Mental Health Institute of Alberta

Mrs. Janet Gasparelli
Portfolio Lead

Dr. Gary Bloch
Family Physician
Inner City Health Associates

Dr. Tim Aubry
Full Professor
University of Ottawa

Dr. Rahat Hossain
Resident Physician
University of Toronto

Neela Rafati
Case Manager
Canadian Mental Health Association

Dr. Erica Roebbelen
Family Physician
Shelter Health Network RN

Wanda Menzies
Medical Street Health

Dr. Michaela Beder MD
Assistant Professor
University of Toronto

Dr. Nicole Kozloff
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

Dr. Karen Weyman
Family Physician, Associate Professor, Department of Family and Com Department of Family and Community Medicine
St. Michael’s Hospital   

Dr. Sandy Buchman MD CCFP (PC) FCFP
Freeman Family Chair in Palliative Care
North York General Hospital

llijah Pearce
Registered Nurse
St. Michael’s Hospital

Ms. Wendy Muckle
Ottawa Inner City Health

Dr. Edward Xie MD
Emergency Physician
University Health Network

Dr. Irfan Dhalla
Unity Health Toronto

Dr. Howard Ovens
Professor, Dept. of Family and Community Medicine
Universiy of Toronto

Mr. Lee Dorion
Care for Health and Community

Ms. Liz Kamler RN
Ottawa Inner City Health

Mrs. Lynn Landis
Director of Health Services
The Ottawa Mission

Alison Telford
Front Office
Cornerstone Housing for Women  

Mrs. Parvattee Proag Rpn
Ottawa Inner City Health   

Nada Murad
Medical Clinic Manager
Ottawa Mission  

Miss Renée Godard
Client Care Worker
Care for Health & Community Services

Joshua Bridges
Residential Coordinator
John Howard Society of Ottawa  

Shawna Larabie RPNOICH  

Amanda Mills  

Ms. Lesley Dewsnap
Ottawa Inner City Health

Ms. Kim Van Herk
Mental Health Team Lead
Ottawa Inner City Health Inc.

Miss Kandie Conroy PSW
Inner-City Health

Ms. Megan Delaney
Data Management Coordinator, Digital Health Services
Ottawa Inner City Health Inc.  

Alexis Stern RN
Canadian Mental Health Association

Miss Krystal Lortie 
Clinical Coordinator
Inner City Health  

Bernice Kamano
Indigenous Outreach Coordinator
Portland Hotel Society

Dr. Anil Chopra MDUHN

Dr. John Simmons
Resident Physician
The Ottawa Hospital and University of Ottawa

Myriam Harper
Medical Student
University of Ottawa

Mrs. Halimo Isak RPN
Ottawa Inner City  

Alicia Beaudoin
John Howard Society

Dr. Vanessa Redditt
Family Physician
Women’s College Hospital

Ms. Deborah Gardner
Executive Director

Noora Badr
Coordinator, High Intensity Services
Homeward Trust Edmonton

Mr. Tom Ebdon
Alberta Health Services.

Dr. Pierre Lauzon
Chef médical du service de toxicomanie et médecine urbaine Hôpital Notre-Dame CIUSSS du Centre Sud de Montréal

Ms. Meagan MacQuatt
Peer Worker
Ottawa Inner City Health

Dr. Vicky Stergiopoulos
Physician in Chief

Sanderica Quesnel
Frontline Worker
Ottawa Inner City Health

Lana Frado
Executive Director
Sound Times Support Services

Ms. Cheryl Prescod
Executive Director
Black Creek Community Health Centre ED

Diane Walter
Executive Director
Margaret’s Housing and Community Support Services

Mr. Kevin Nyembo
Ottawa Inner City Health

Jasey Soto
Nurse Coordinator
Ottawa Inner City Health  

Mr. Mark Aston
Executive Director
Covenant House Toronto

Ms. Elisa Simpson
Healthcare Manager
Covenant House Toronto  

Dr. Claire Kendall
University of Ottawa

Lydia Ndayizigiye

Alexandra Piatkowski

Heather McDonald
LOFT Community Services

Mr. Thomas Barry
Client Care Worker
Ottawa Inner City Health

Suzanne Pellerin

Dr. Susan Crouse
Executive Director
Salvus Clinic

Dr. Jill Wiwcharu
Shelter Health Network

Dr. Robin Lennox
Family Physician
McMaster University

Ms. Danielle Szabo
Clinical Operations Manager – Assisted Self Isolation Site (ASIS)
The Alex Community Health Centre

Dr. Rachelle Sender MDHHSC  

Alyssa Schamerh
Peer Worker
Ottawa Inner City Health

Ms. Andrea Laing
Manager, Communications
South Riverdale Community Healthe Centre

Dr. Simon Hatcher
Professor of Psychiatry
The Ottawa Hospital  

Rose Patterson
Nurse Practitioner
Good Shepherd Non-Profit Homes  

Hallie Streith
Nurse Practitioner
Shelter Health Network  

Mr. Raymond Landry
Homelessness Network

Meghan Perrin
Francophone and Resource Policy Lead
Alliance for Healthier Communities

Dr. Sarah Canham
Associate Professor
University of Utah  

Christoph Draenos
Research Manager

Dr. Stefan Baral
Associate Professor
Johns Hopkins University

Dr. Trevor Morey
Palliative Education and Care for the Homeless  

Angela Robertson
Executive Director
Parkdale Queen West Community Health Centre  

Colin Hipditch
Supportive Housing NLHC

Dr. Naheed Dosani
Palliative Care Physician
Inner City Health Associates

Dr. Layli Sanaee
Emergency Physician
University Health Network  

Dr. Ritika Goel MD
Family Physician
University of Toronto

Dr. Deborah Pink
Inner City Health Associates  

Ray Lawinger
Hungry Food Bank

Ms. Crystal Helene Bone
Client Care Worker

Monika Tochman
Manager of Housing Services
Tungasuvvingat Inuit   

Sophie Wheeler
Manager of Corporate Support
Ottawa Inner City Health  

Susan Broder
Staff Nurse
Ottawa Inner City Health Inc.

Mrs. Lisa Parkinson
Client Care Worker
Inner City Heath Care  

Ms. Kim Simon PCCW
Carefor Inner City

Mr. Samuel Murdock
Algonquin College  

Karen Hama RN
Parkdale CHC

Dr. Caroline Jeon
Family Physician
University of Toronto, DFCM CCW

Eva Banura
CCW Carefor

Miss Liza Amrani
Medical Student
University of Ottawa

Ms. Sarah DelVillano
Peer Support Worker
Ottawa Inner City Health

Noah Tunnillie
Ottawa Inner City Health  

Ms. Laura Guerrero
WellFort CHS  

Carina Karamaoun
Nursing Student
Ottawa Inner City Health  

Mya Gledhill
Nursing Student
Inner City Health

Mr. Peter Tilley
The Ottawa Mission

Dr. Ayesha Malik
St. Michael’s Hospital  

Laura Gapski RN
Inner City Health Associates  

Taralea McLean
Executive Director
Bridges Community Health Centre

Mr. Dawit Belay RN

Dr. Philip Berger
Associate Professor
University of Toronto

Dr. Angela Ho MD, FRCPC
Inner City Health Associates  

Melissa Flores RN

Ms. Sasha Hill
Inner City Health Associates

Dr. Laurissa Slobodian MD
Lakeridge Health 

Madison Joyce RN
Inner City Health Associates

Dr. Joel Lexchin
Emergency Department Specialist
University Health Network

Christina Sherriff RN
Hamilton Health Sciences

Rebecca Davey

Dr. Donna Spaner
Palliative Education and Care for the Homeless

Lindsey Lenters RN
Inner City Health Associates

Ms. Lisa Gordon
York University

Ms. France Maillet-Gagnon LNP
Salvus Clinic

Bianca Castellano RPN

Dr. Kelsey Lawson
Inner City Health Associates

Dr. Aniko Varpalotai
Alliance for Healthier Communities

Dr. Paul Ellis
Emergency Physician
University Health Network

Priyanka Sheth
Executive Director (Interim)

Dr. Jennifer Bryan
Assistant Professor
University of Toronto

Dr. Priya Vasa
Associate Medical Director
Inner City Health Associates

Mr. Jim O’Neill
Operations Director
Inner City Health Associates

Dr. Tracy Sarmiento MD
University of Toronto

Dr. Antoinette Wertman
North York General Hospital

Dr. Michael Anderson
Regional Indigenous Cancer Lead
Toronto Regional Cancer Program

Nadine Sookermany
Executive Director
Fife House

Dr. Mona Haidar
Family Physician
Inner City Health Associates

Dr. Najib Safieddine
Thoracic Surgeon
University of Toronto

Vanika Chawla
University of Toronto

Dr. Jay Shaw
Women’s College Hospital

Dr. Yezarni Wynn MD
University of Toronto

Dr. Riley Rose
Psychiatry Resident
University of Toronto

Dr. Jessi Dobyns MD

Haley Long

Kat Tannock
Array Services

Dr. Sam Sabbah
Medical Director of Emergency Medicine
University Health Network

Mr. Bill Dare
Social Worker
Step Down from ACTT, Community Mental Health Program, The Royal

Jeanette Blair
Program Manager

Dr. James Fairbairn MD
University Health Network

Karine Rogers
Social Worker

Mr. Sahand Ensafi PA

Amanda Ahmed
Ottawa Inner City Health

Shivanee Nadarajah
Director of Operations
Inner City Health Associates

Dr. Alissa Tedesco
University of Toronto

Dr. Jennifer Hulme
Emergency Physician
University of Toronto

Eric Larock
Community Support Worker
Centretown Community Health Centre

Cherie Adie
Peer Worker
Ottawa Inner City Health

Cherie Durksen RN
Staff Nurse
Inner City Health Associates

Dr. Farah Marani MD, CCFP, MPH

Jan Aikins
Registerd Psychotherapist
Canadian Mental Health Assoc. Simcoe Branch

Shannon Friesen
Community Service Worker
Manitoba Department of Families

Kathryn Loftus RMT

Dara Kennedy MLT
Michener Institute at TGH

Dr. Patricia Cavanagh MD, FRCPC
Medical Director, Complex Care and Recovery

Dr. Thomas Goff PhD
TWG Consulting

Melissa Handley RMT

Linda McConnan MN
Pregnancy Pathways, Edmonton

Karol Henrotte RN
Registered Nurse (retired)
Health Care

Diane Gorman RN
Registered Nurse

Diane Graham
Occupational Therapist
KidsCan Therapy Services

Heather Warren
Life Coach
Blossoming Heart Guidance with Heather

Peggy Lathwell MD

L Tin

Denis Turgeon BA
Life Skills Worker
Canadian Mental Health Association

Joanne Doran
Doran Psychological Services

Heather King
Program Coordinator
Pace Sexual Assault Centre

Rosemary Fry
Sisters of St Joseph

Manu Sayani-Mulji BSW
Social Worker
McMaster University

Nesta Yeo RN
Registered Nurse (retired)
Nursing Officer , RCAF ( retired )

Beth Groombridge SSW
Social Worker

Dr. John Lilley
Clinical Professor
University of Alberta

Delane Robertson RN
Registered Nurse (retired)
Health Canada

Peter Marrocco
Clinical Counsellor
Community Counselling and Resource Centre (CCRC)

Linda Davies RN
Registered Nurse (retired)

Karen Rockwell M.Ed., RSW

Rachel Jacobson
Shiatsu and Cranio Sacral Therapy Practitioner

Jeff Hanks RN
London Health Coalition

Brenda Thomas
Psychothapist and Counsellor

Abby Akintade
Inner City Health Associates

Rebekah Lundy RN, CP, MHN

Lisa Ogbomo RN

Dr. Adil Shamji
Emergency Physician
Michael Garron Hospital, Inner City Health Associates

Donna Maclennan RN
Registered Nurse
Bruyere Continuing Care

Krysta Nordin RN
Registered Nurse
Providence Health Care

Patricia Rahtjen
Nurse (retired)

Paula Young
Administrative Agent Supporting Social Workers & Educators
CROM and Batshaw Youth & Family Services

Dianne Acey
Professor of Psychology
George Brown College, retired

Joanne Uygur
Hospital Clerk

Dr. Bonnie Larson
Street CCRED Collaborative

Lynnette Annett
Nurse practitioner
Health Region

Debbie Rybalka
Laboratory Technician

Dr. Elizabeth Robinson MDCM
Family Medicine and Public Health (retired)

Ester Brisch RN
Registered Nurse
BC College of Nursing Professionals

Dr. Vera Caine RN
Registered Nurse
University of Alberta

Kathleen Snow
Therapeutic Assistant
Recreation Therapy

MaryAnne Schmitt MLT
Lab technologist

Samantha Walsh RN

Olivia Mancini
Addiction Attendant
St. Joseph’s Healthcare

Susan Andrews RN
Nurse (retired)

Michelle Hawrylyshyn
Intensive Case Manager
Wesley Urban Ministries

Joanne Foote
Healthcare worker (retired)

Sheryl Henry RSW
Social Worker
St Leonard’s Community Service

Meagan Parsons RN
Registered Nurse

Dominique Breton
Contact Centre Agent
The Ottawa Hospital

Bernice Kamano
Indigenous Outreach Worker
PHS (Portland Hotel Society)

Karyann Dorn
Pharmacy Technician and student
University of British Columbia

Dr. David Campbell MD
Assistant Professor
University of Calgary

Lucy Doan
Nurse Practitioner
Inner City Health Associates

Jennifer McGill RMT
Registered Massage Therapist

Rhoda Taylor RCA
Community Health Worker

Megan Branchaud RPN
Staff nurse

Dr. Allison Grice MD

Pat Lewis RN

Joanne Thompson RN
Executive Director
The Gathering Place

Olga Tkachenko RN
Registered Nurse
University Health Network

Dr. Haider Saeed MD
Shelter Health Network

Dr. Claire Bodkin MD
Hamilton Social Medicine Response Team (HAMSMaRT)

Jessica Hales
Nurse Practitioner
Street Health

Dr. Kwame McKenzie
Wellesley Institute